I've noticed a trend in today's culture.
Notice I didn't say Christian culture because I have officially rejected the idea that there is a Christian culture and a Non-Christian culture.
There is only one culture and we're living smack-dab in the middle of it.
What I've noticed is that more and more people say, "
I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual".
It's a very trendy thing to say, but what does it really mean?
I'm glad you asked.
This is my attempt a delving into the wonder that is spirituality.
Mind you, I'm no scholar; I'm just an ordinary nutcase stumbling through the dark, trying to get it right.
Disclaimer: I believe that God loves me, that Jesus died for my sins, and that the Holy Spirit guides me. I love them desperately for this.
All that said, let's talk about
If you google define: religious, you'll find everything is a reference to religion... what a shocker.
I think the word has lost its meaning in modern-day culture.
My modern-day definition of religious is, "
Doing something simply because you've always done it".
I love asking myself, "Why do you do...________?"
It allows me to re-consider my actions and let go of silly practices for the sake of tradition.
Maybe it's also the reason why I find it hard to stick to something. But anyhoo...
When I was in the Marine Corps, I hated it when they said, "
Well, we've just always done it that way". It wasn't the
best way, just
the way they were taught.
I've found that the Marine Corps is a microcosm for the world... Meaning, the same crap happens in the Marine Corps that happens in the world, it just happens faster and on a smaller scale.
So what is religion to me? Religion, to me, is
mindless practice that has lost its meaning, but we continue because it's the way we've been taught.
Yes, they are harsh words, but they are mine. When I speak, I represent just me.
Too many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion for me to associate myself with it.
Religious people hate.
Religious people judge.
Religious people don't forgive.
Religious people say astoundingly stupid things like, "God hates homosexuals" or "If you don't go to my church, you're going to hell".
I had to shake that one off. I almost went into another tirade.
Religion causes people to "lose the plot" so to speak. People jump on a train simply because it's moving. You may want to see where it's headed before you jump aboard.
Now... what is
That's a good question. There are plenty of vague and ultra-inclusive definitions out there, but I think they've missed the cultural significance too.
I believe that spiritual means you are searching for something larger than yourself.
In that instance, I'd say I am spiritual. However, the "
something larger" than myself I'm searching for is
I believe that all people want to identify with something larger than themselves because the alternative is unthinkable...
I'm all alone.
I have no purpose.
Unfortunately, some are "
looking for love in all the wrong places".
(Bad Waylon Jennings impression)Many people, I believe, are searching for God, but just don't know it. They seek Him out in the weirdest places. They also won't admit it, because God's been getting a bad rap lately by the squeaky-wheel minority that has decided to speak for the rest of us.
So people have put God, and these idiots, in the same box, and walked away from both.
How did so few end up speaking for so many?
Where was I going with this?I have no idea, but I guess that's how I communicate. I toss a bunch of thoughts out there and hope you see what's in my heart. That's what I want to show you... my heart.
Let me sum up because this turned out to be longer than I thought.
Mindless religion = bad
Mindless spirituality = bad
Thoughtful and deliberate spirituality = good.
I've found my purpose here on earth. It's to show everyone I can, no matter who they are, that God honestly loves them... no matter who or what they are or who or what they have become.
Jesus died to fix this world that we have broken.
Finally, that we should step outside of ourselves and love God and one another with reckless abandon.
There it is... my heart.