Peter Pan Faith

He and I have very different views on the Christian faith, but we still converge when it comes to belief and trust in God through Christ.
That's enough for me. Besides, our faith doesn't have to be carbon copy in order for us to be friends.
Anyway, I was talking to another friend about what I call "Peter Pan faith" today. They asked what it meant, so I figured I'd share with you, my three faithful readers.
Peter Pan faith is what I call the kind of faith that you can meander aimlessly through life without a care in the world and God will spoon-feed you your every heart's desire.
Peter Pan Christians are those ones who think they're a King's kid and they're just 'a walkin' in the land of Goshen.
They say they never get sick, but even though I've seen them sick, they just say, "It's just an attack of the enemy and I'm not claiming this sickness!".
Okay... whatever. If you would claim that sickness and carry your butt to the doctor, it'd be over much quicker and the "sickness enemy" would leave you alone.
My other favorite is those people who open up businesses with no knowledge of how to do it, but believe that "God will bless them" anyway.
Don't get me wrong. I believe that God's blessings are abundant. I really do. I've seen firsthand His wonderful miracles. He's provided for me when I thought all hope was lost on more times than I can remember.
However, what rubs me wrong is these people that think God their own personal sugar daddy.
They worship God for what He can do for them.
The problem with that is that their faith becomes shaken when God doesn't perform exactly according to their plan.
Whups. What do we do now Yogi??
Geez Boo-Boo, I dunno.
I'll tell you what you do. Stop looking to God for a handout and get a job ya bum!
Just kidding. But seriously, we should stop demanding that God be our sugar daddy and just love Him for who He is and not what He can give us.
Plus, how about being God's hand once in a while? When's the last time we did something unexpected for someone who really needs it? Something good, I mean.
Sorry, maybe that was overly critical. Maybe I'm just sleepy.
I'll tell you tomorrow if I still feel this way after a good night's sleep.
At 1:16 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree 100%!!! Do for the doing, not for the glory and favor!!! -JJ
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