Daily Reflection & Random Thoughts

Woke up this morning with a song in my head. A song I haven't heard in years.
I Remember You by Skid Row.
Not the entire song mind you. Just one verse.
"Woke up to the sound of pouring rain,
The wind would whisper and I think of you."
That's it.
Do you have any clue how annoying it is to just have two lines of a song running through your head ALL STINKING NIGHT???
Some people can't sleep at night because they have bills due or children in trouble or marital problems... I can't sleep some nights because I'm worried I may not get to sleep.
Uh... yeah.
I miss playing the guitar with my friend Aubrey Bailey.
We would sit in the living room of our 800 sq. ft. apartment all night long sometimes and he would teach me how to play guitar by just playing songs from his book.
Mostly Collective Soul, Live, Hootie, or GnR stuff.
I was a terrible guitar player back then, but I could sing, so I played the chords I knew and sung. I'd leave the rest to Aubrey.
He was a good friend. He gave me a gift I could never repay.
For those of you who don't play guitar, let me try and explain. I'm not a poet, but it deserves poetic description.
When I have my guitar in my lap, it just feels like something that belongs there.
I can pick two chords and create a haunting melody by playing them back and forth.
I hear the strings vibrate and feel the sound resonate against me as if the guitar is saying, "Let me sing for you".
Once the melody is there, I start to hear other voices in the "song". No percussion or words are necessary.
Sitting with Aubrey and playing guitar was like this. We both appreciated the simple sound a guitar makes and our wordless fellowship resounded like a chorus of thousands.
Pretty lousy imagery huh?
It doesn't matter. Next time you get a chance to hear a few guitar players just sitting around, take the time to notice how they don't say what they're going to do or try, just one player starts, the others look for a second, then immediately join in. Each doing his/her own thing. It sounds beautiful... no sheet music, nothing. Just random notes that blend... because they do.
It's 8am.
Last night I got a phone call from three people I haven't seen in a long time. Something is sticking in the back of my mind. Each one of them wanted something.
I don't mind helping people... in fact, I love it. But, once in a while, it would be nice to get a phone call or email from someone who just wants to know how I'm doing.
I have some friends who do just that and I appreciate them dearly.
They will call or email and just say "hey".
Maybe it's just the busy lifestyle most people live, but it concerns me more than it bothers me.
If everyone is so busy that they can't stop for simple conversation, then how much time can they have for personal reflection?
I am a firm believer that personal reflection time is essential to our survival and growth.
It helps us see how we feel so we can recognize our motives. Since our motives drive our actions, it's probably a good thing to know why you do what you do.
Well, the thought well has run dry. I guess that means it's time to go to work.
At 2:53 PM ,
kc page said...
Hey Ven! How are ya? Can I borrow some money? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Love ya Bro.
At 12:51 PM ,
JCo said...
Hey Ven! I might not be able to play the guitar (that's why I have you!) but I grew up listening to my Dad play his. I miss that. He loved it when we had company and if that person could play he had his extra guitar for them. Now in Texas...we call it pickin' & grinin'! ha! They would play for hours. I would sit,watch and listen. I loved it!!!
Keep on playing Ven! I enjoy listening to you.
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