Where have you been?

The weekened was apparently longer than usual.
I started having PC problems (again) and decided to rebuild my PC yesterday.
I'm still not complete, but it's up & running.
I went running with Rob yesterday. yikes... I'm out of shape.
I feel very sore today. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time. I must say I really don't like it.
Hopefully lots of water & ibuprofen will help.
On to the topic of the day.
I finished reading Erwin McManus' The Barbarian Way.
I really enjoyed it. Very inspiring. Definitely a book for anyone who's tired of civilized Christianity.
Now, if you like sitting in church in a suit being told what a good Christian you are, then don't read this book. It's definitely not for you.
However, what if you're tired of organized religion that believes in the trickle-down version of Christianity?
That being if you attend church regularly and sing in the choir or usher people to their seats that God will send people to the church and God will save them.
What if you don't believe it's that simple?
What if you believe you actually have to go get your hands dirty and risk a little face-to-face with someone who doesn't believe what you believe?
What if you want to take even a bigger risk and go buy a stranger lunch?
What if you want to go to a "homeless shelter" (I hate that term by the way) and personally help people who are really in need?
Well... then this book is definitely for you.
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