The Barbarian Way

I'm about 1/4 of the way through, but it's already on my list of favorites.
Erwin McManus shows how modern-day christians have gotten the message of salvation all wrong.
Many believe, and preach, that salvation is the answer to all your problems. That following Jesus means all your dreams come true and it's wine and roses all the live long day.
When in fact, salvation is a call to just the opposite. True salvation is a call to desperate, reckless, and wild faith.
I guess that's why Jesus said things like, "I send you as sheep amongst the wolves" and, "Anyone who comes after me must take up his own cross and follow me".
It's definitely not a, "Vote for Pedro and all your wildest dreams will come true" deal.
Unfortunately, we are no different than the Pharisees of Jesus' time. We consider wordly gain to be the ultimate display of God's grace and love.
This causes christians to say things like, "God has really blessed me with this home and new cars and such... You must be out of the will of God if you don't have all the stuff I have".
How astoundingly incorrect is that?
I'll give three perfect examples:
John the Baptist - lived in the wild, ate bugs & honey. Wore camelskin clothing. Definitely not rich.
The Apostle Paul - Was a famous religious man in his time. Took up the call for Christ, became a whipping pole, target of mockery, stones, you name it. Eventually was martyred.
Early church (Book of Acts) - Most of these people were eventually martyred.
Where's the fame & fortune???
To date myself and quote a not-so-famous song,
"I beg your pardon... I never promised you a rose garden".
None of this is new to me, but instead has finally been driven fully into my heart... like a stake.
My focus as a teacher/preacher must change. I need people to see that, though the ride is definitely going to be rough, and not always fair in our eyes, (read John 21) but it's going to be wild!!! You'll never be the same...
So ask yourself a few questions:
Do you want to live an exciting life for Christ?
Are you willing to live like every meal may be your last?
Are you willing to let go of the "Worldly gain = God's blessings" mentality?
Jump on board...
If not, that's okay. Just step aside for now and try not to get in the way.
At 4:21 PM ,
New Faith said...
Now you're cookin' my friend.
This is what I'm talkin' about.
The time of playing God too safe is over. Think. Was God playing it safe when He sent His son to die for us? Was he playing it safe when He he had someone with the gospel waiting for us? Here is something better to ask. Was God playing it safe when he asked us to palnt a church? Pretty wild huh? -chuck
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