Not so manic Monday.

I love this photo. It's so funny.
Chuck and I had it done in Disneyworld. Just thought I'd share it with anyone who missed it.
So it's 8:37am on Monday (holiday!!!!)
I still have to track my time, but it's going to be a good day.
I woke up and started composing an email to a friend and realized that the vision for New Faith keeps changing a little here and there. I started wondering why, but then it came to me.
The vision for New Faith is fluid. It moves because that's what God does. God is not in a box waiting for us to pop the top and yank Him out, use Him, then put Him back in.
He's moving and shaking things up. He's always showing us we don't have Him "figured out" if we could "figure out" God, then we would be able to control Him. We would learn the "ins and outs" of God... oh wait... that's religion.
Nuff said.
I guess that's the reason why the vision for New Faith has a central theme, but it's always changing a little here and there.
I was saying to my friend that we are a missional-engaging hybrid.
We're missional because we help people outside of our church, not with an agenda to sell them Jesus, but just because we want to help them.
We're missional because we have friends that don't attend church. And they're not evangelism projects. They're just friends. Missional, simply put, is "being Jesus to the world". Loving them just because you love them.
We're engaging because we engage modern culture. Our music is both "Secular" and "Christian". It's funny when I use words like those now... they've both lost their meaning when I refer to music. But that's for another post entirely.
We're engaging because we challenge the belief that people need to believe exactly how we believe in order to get to Heaven.
We're engaging because we realize that people do not need to attend New Faith to believe that God loves them and really desire to love Him back.
I guess that's it... probably not, but that's all I can put into words right now.
How liberating it is to realize you're not the center of the universe.
At 3:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
yea, I know what you are saying. Everything is changing in my life. I told Pastor Chuck that I didnt go to the altar about wanting my faith to grow because God was already streaching me!!Like it or not. I kind of feel like Hannah( my daughter) Sometimes I like this growing up stuff, other times it feels pretty safe not growing. I have to tell myself what i tell her. It keeps getting better. more life to enjoy. if one more person tells me that I dont think big enough...I dont know , maybe I'll start thinking bigger! God is doing something awsome! I want in on it! I want to grow ! Okay, I admit it I guess I want my faith to grow.
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