
That's my new baby Trinity-Lin.
I guess there are a lot of things you can do instead of work.
I was playing around with my digital camera and found a B&W filter.
I then popped it into Photoshop and added a blue tint to the fur.
Don't ask me why... I thought it looked neat.
So anyway, I've been reading pastor Chuck's blog about Pentecostal-ism.
Pretty neat stuff if you ask me. Very thought provoking.
So I talked to Janice about what her visitors thought of NewFaith. She said that her father-in-law thought it was a nice service, but felt he was being entertained a little.
Good point. Granted, it was a special service, but a good point nonetheless.
Maybe we should remind folks that the second set is a "stander-upper" too.
A lot of folks just sit down for the second music set (usually slower, more meditative songs).
Maybe they don't know they can stand or maybe they're just not in the mood to stand.
I dunno.
I wonder though... Are we being entertained or are we mistaking ministry for entertainment?
What do most people consider "ministry"? Is it some guy rambling on and on from behind a pulpit? Since we're in the "re-shaping" business, I guess we should re-think the whole "ministry" thing.
I think nooma videos minister.
I think funny videos with a moral minister.
I think someone singing a song that offers a spiritual/meditative opportunity (makes you think about God) ministers.
I think human videos and dramas minister.
So are we entertaining, or ministering?
If I did a song & dance so people would say I was a star, then I'd be entertaining.
If pastor Chuck stood up in front of people and did a prepared monologue that made people think he was funny, and nothing else, he'd be entertaining.
Hmm... I guess it could be just a matter of perspective, but, now that I've thought about it, I guess we're okay for now.
Don't get me wrong... some stuff we do may smack of entertainment, but I think that's okay too.
That's part of our culture. We enjoy being entertained.
I love a good book when it's time to learn, but when I watch a movie, I don't care about the protagonist and the antagonist. I don't care about what statement the director/writer is trying to make. I want to be entertained.
If a movie thrills me or makes me laugh or entertains my eyes, I walk away happy. 10 bucks well spent.
If a movie makes me think too much, I could have stayed home and read a book.
Where did that come from? What was I talking about again?
If I want to be ministered to as well as minister to others, then I just have to live my life. I let God work out the details. Church helps a lot; I don't think I'd be a very good follower of Christ without gathering with other followers of Christ.
But when it comes to entertainment & ministry... what a great combo I say!!!
Bring it on!
At 11:34 PM ,
Anonymous said...
It is funny that the gentle man felt that he was being a little entertained. I think it is important to think about where he came from in his religious background. Ours is such a laid back type of worship I could understand someone who comes from a more liturgical background feeling that way. Some believers are more comfortable knowing what is coming next. Prayer books and repeating prayers, communion weekly is very soothing for many. Isn’t America great that we have the freedom to worship God the way we want? I believe neither is wrong as long as we worship Him in spirit and in truth. Of course Mike (Suave) is nothing more than entertainment. Fluff entertainment at that!!!(I love every minute of it!) I found the Christmas Eve service to be very worshipful, especially when JaNonda sang the medley. I felt so close to God! It was such a special time for me. One I don’t think I will ever forget
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