Where am I going?

So... where am I going? I have no idea.
I can only have faith that God knows. I guess I'm okay with that.
I would be lying if I said it's easy.
I firmly believe my life would be far less complicated if I threw my hands up and walked away from all of this.
I know for a fact that I would have more time on my hands if I stopped answering the phone and changed my email address.
I truly know that I would have time for all my hobbies if I didn't spend so much time with ministry.
But then... a big chunk of me would be missing.
Something at the core of me is crying out right now as I type these words.
Something is yelling, "What are you thinking???"
It's okay Something... calm down. I'm just taking things to extremes for a little self-actualization.
I think God is revealing this to me right now.
My whole life has led up to this moment. All the struggles, the good and bad times, everything, has been put in place for this moment.
Following Jesus is not a "have to" or a "want to". For that matter, it's not even a "get to".
It's a desperate, I can't live without you, type thing.
It's a, "there's something wonderful inside of me that I need you to see".
The something wonderful is not me, but it's inside of me. When I saw it, I knew I'd never be the same again.
I guess that's why I do it. Why I answer the phone or check my email or talk to people. To show them that "something". With all that I am, I believe that if you truly see it, you, too, will never be the same.
So, don't look at me, look inside of me.
Hopefully, I'll be able to step far enough out of the way so you can see it too.
At 10:54 AM ,
Anonymous said...
i was bored in class so i read your bolg
At 10:54 AM ,
JCo said...
Thanks Ven! That sometimes thought enters my mind too. Then I look ahead of myself and I know with everything I've gone through and do now I can't do this without God in my life. Being involved in ministry has shown me the real me! Am I making sense? I enjoy your thoughts and appreciate you!!!
At 9:26 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Just catching up on your blogs. I don't know if you realize how much you and I think alike. I just finished reading Velvet Elvis - Pam loaned it to me - I'll give it back, but I gotta buy one for myself, and probably it will be a gift for all my friends' upcoming bdays. Anyway, I consumed the book in an evening and a half. I even read it while Kregg had the tv on. I could not possibly comment or reflect on all the things that struck me, and will have to read it again with my Bible beside me so I can reference his endnotes. Thanks for sharing this book with me. I have believed for years most of the things he talks about in the book - but I don't think I ever really talked about it or gave it much thought. I think I probably thought that "religious" people would think I was "sacreligious" - did I spell that right? DK. So, thank you for continuing to reflect and encouraging me to do the same. I think it will continue to help me be more of a servant. Love you bro. -JJ
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