Catalyst Trip - A running blog

I just got a new camera. Something nice and slim to slide into the ol' pocket.

Here's a picture of Chuck at the airport in Newport News. He was reading Relevant Magazine. Go figure. He was reading, I was trying to finish up my work.
I managed to get it all done before the plane got there.

We made it to Atlanta pretty quickly. I watched the pilot episode of 'Eureka' on SciFi on my iPod. I liked it a lot. It brought out my inner nerd. I snapped this photo of Chuck waiting on Casey Page.
That's me at the airport waiting on Casey.
Pretty uneventful so far, but the week is young. Normally, putting myself, Casey, and Chuck in a room together is bound to have a comical outcome, so we'll see. We stopped at the Cracker Barrel and had dinner. Our conversation quickly degraded into a boyish banter. Somehow, we ended up talking about hydro-colonics and how much they must hurt.This is us in the hotel. I know... nothing funny yet. We're kinda tired, so we'll be funny later. Maybe tomorrow. Catalyst labs are tomorrow, so we need to get up early enough to get breakfast and hit the Center by 8:30 so we can sign up for our labs.
At 11:00 PM ,
Margaret Feinberg said...
We're glad you're here!!! Praying God's rest, peace and whispers for you all. May you leave with a fresh vision for what is calling you to do and at least three funny incidents which you can get mileage out of as inside jokes for years to come.
At 2:40 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ven!!!! I am soooooo glad you blogged! I miss CHUCK! Nice to see photos and keep updated on what ya'll are doing. So....Chuck told me he snored lastnight. Well....just say...."'re snoring loud." Then rub his back. Nah! Don't do that! ha! Does the room smell sweet? ha! Have a wonderful learning restful time there. I am excited to know all the things you will share. Miss ya!
Ja Nonda aka Chuck's wife
At 9:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hey, be carful with the Cracker Barrel...the only thing that is not smothered in butter and salt are the checkers! have a wonderful time you guys deserve it!!
At 11:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I am glad to see my pastors and friends were provided safe passage and doing fine. I must correct you though, realizing you were a former Marine and not privileged to the "real" world, the helicopter was a MH-53 pulling a mine sweeping sled...not a boat! I realize anything that floats in the water is a boat, but I correct others as well, particularly when they call a US Navy ship a "boat". Wrong! I hope you and Chuck have a blessed time and we are praying for you both in a safe return. Don't iget ito ipod'd.
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