To a friend...

One recent addition to the New Faith community passed away.
His name was Brad. In the hustle and flow of New Faith's sudden growth, it has been hard to keep up with all the new folks.
Brad was different. He stood out in the crowd.
I couldn't put my finger on it when we met, but I knew something set him apart.
Maybe it was his Marine Corps background, maybe it was because he was just so genuine.
I wish I could have spent more time with him. I could have known him better. I know I would be better for the experience.
Brad came to our special gathering last Thursday.
Normally, Thursday nights are for teaching & discipleship, but we decided to do a Sunday-like gathering on Thursday, then skip Sunday morning to spend time with our families & friends.
While we were doing the music, I could feel something different. It was as if God was saying, "Today is even more special than you can understand or feel".
Even though I enjoyed God's extra-special presence, I had no idea what was really going on.
I found out last night that Brad gave his heart to Jesus that Thursday night.
I also found out that Brad said something almost prophetic that Thursday.
Pastor Chuck was talking about "civilized Christianity" and how it has caused a lot of Christians to settle for the mediocre lives the world is offering. Brad said, "There's no way to civilize me anymore..." He also said he was never going to miss another Sunday service.
How right you are Brad. You're with Jesus now and every day is Sunday.
It's amazing how quickly people can find a place in your heart.
Normally, I wouldn't be as emotionally effected by the passing of someone I'd only met casually... only a few times in passing. I can't explain it. Is God changing me or was Brad just that special?
Hopefully, it's a little of both.
At 8:36 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I know what you mean. How can we have our heart tied to people we haven’t known for very long. We ( the world usually associates closeness with time into a relationship, how well we know someone’s past, ect… but I think of what Jesus said “ Who are my brothers and sisters, my family, those who do the will of the Father.” I almost feel ashamed ( maybe silly is a better word) for being so effected by our brother’s death, because we weren’t “tight “but we were indeed friends. My girls really enjoyed his company. He made it up the mountain faster then the rest of us. I thought that we would all make it there together. I know that God has wonderful plans for Brads little boy, Brad will be missed. Thank you for acknowledging him. Love you Bro.
At 1:34 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm still catching my breath. Brad was something special, what a time in our lives and the growth in the body of believers @ New Faith, to experience something as powerful as this.
I believe that the Lord Knew exactly what He was doing. The Thursday night service was so different and powerful. So many hungry folks showed up for the Word of God and His wonderful Presence, that we have been experiencing in our services.
Thursday night was special, ask anyone there, The Lord really spoke to Brad and he asked the Lord into his life, He was so excited. Wow, what a feeling. He was so over whelmed with emotion. His heart racing and beating so fast.
Excitement, like a child at the World's Fair. He really experiencing the gracious gift that our Lord and Savior died for. Brad Received FREEDOM, forgiveness of sin and eternal life. His name, Bradley Windsor Johnson, written in The Lamb's Book Of Life.
I believe Brad was placed in our lives for many reasons, The most important one, FAITH.
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