In Search Of...

This is something a little more different.
This is more of an "In Search Of.. Relevance" I guess.
A friend of mine told me about a blog he read yesterday.
It saddened me greatly.
I found it this morning.
It spoke of how people are criticizing the "Emergent" churches of today and calling them, "The new Liberal Left".
Oy vey.
Emergent churches are the newest trend in Christianity that is trying to unify people as just people... Regardless of how they worship God... or even if they don't. Cuz God still loves them.
New Faith has chosen a different word to describe our movement... Engaging. We Engage the culture, our love for one another, and our love for God.
My take on things... We are all God's children. Even if we don't believe it. We all deserve an opportunity to worship God, no matter who we are, how we dress, or how we choose to worship. If that makes me Emergent, then I'm Emergent.
The way I can wrap my head around that is simple.
If my two sons decide one day that they don't have a father and tell everyone that they don't have a father, they'll still have one... cuz it's me. No matter how hard they try to "believe" that I don't exist, I'm still here.
We cannot will God into, or out of, existence. He just is.
All that being said, I think there are ultra-religious people out there who are threatened by the way things are changing. They like things the way they are and have decided that anything different is wrong. Instead of spending their time showing people God's love, they waste their time building fences between "their kind" and "the others" and then demonize those on the other side of the fence.
If you read the book of Acts, you'll find out that there was this guy named Saul who felt the same way. These new "Christians" were changing the face of religion and the religious leaders didn't like it. After a conversation with Jesus on the road to Damascus, Saul felt differently.
Maybe that's all the critics need is a closer look at what's happening. I find it hard to understand why people can't see that God is FAR BEYOND what we can possibly understand. If He wants to shake things up, I say we should stay out of the way. If you're not part of the solution, don't be part of the problem.
A message to the religious...
Your way used to work. But it's not working anymore. There are people out there who need to know about God's love for them. Unfortunately, they have body piercings, tattoos, and don't wear suits. Time to start reaching out to them with love... not judgment.
Wait a sec... We're not supposed to judge people anyway. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.
At 3:11 PM ,
New Faith said...
Swoosh and he scores. Well put. I can tell your thinking machine is in working condition.
At 1:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Amen, my brutha! We have to be careful at NF not to judge the members there, either. It's easy to sit on our high horse and say, "Why aren't they working as hard as we are on this thing we call a church, or on themselves?" We all have issues and everyone learns and grows at different rates. Let's keep being patient with them and telling them we still care, and more importantly, God still cares. Pastor Chuck has a way of shaking things up when people need it - they don't always "hear" him, but if we keep it up, maybe we all will get the message of urgency that we can't keep "functioning in our dysfunction", as Joel Osteen says. ;) Last night, I think he struck a nerve with everyone - I don't think any of us, deep down, finds it easy to believe that we are the Glory of God. That, in itself, sums up our major battle with the devil that we must fight every second of every day. We must forgive ourselves the way God forgives us and keep on keepin' on!
Thank you for helping me reflect and think and continue to grow. I love you. -JJ
At 4:03 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Who are they calling the christian left? They obviously have not met me yet!!! I know I am probably the exception. Remember what my favorite Beatle wrote in Romans 14 (that is John for those slow on the uptake).
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