Just a little frustrated

Too long have I had to sit idly by and watch the "Christian" community put on such a mamby-pamby wussification of my culture.
I'm sick of it!!!!
So sick I feel like I'm going to yak up a Care Bear.
Did I miss a meeting? When did we decide that following Jesus meant we had to be a wuss?
I get emails from people with rainbows & clouds, cutsie little big-eyed kids handing each other flowers...
I want to take those little kids & punt them "somewhere over the rainbow".
I wish I had a time machine. I could take these people back in time to when Jesus & His disciples walked the Earth.
They'd see that Jesus was no one to be trifled with.
He called 'em like He saw 'em.
He told 'em like it was.
He never beat around the bush.
He went into a church courtyard and started quite a ruckus with a bullwhip.
Sound like a panzy to you? Me neither.
Don't get me wrong. I KNOW that Jesus loves me... and you for that matter.
I just don't see Jesus walking around with a Barry the Bible Bear in one hand and Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul in the other.
We need to realize that we are a REAL culture... With REAL life issues. All of us.
And we're not going to cut it as a bunch of Care Bear totin' Mamby-Pamby-Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy email sending sissies.
Let's deal with life head on as real people... not Strawberry Shortcake dolls.
Who's with me???
At 11:06 AM ,
New Faith said...
Oh my, my, my. You have stirred something up here my "call'em as I see'em" friend. This reminds me of something I've been saying the past couple of weeks. Are people afraid of God? I'm not suggesting disrespect or rebellion. I'm asking is it a fear that produces a mindset that must see God a really nice person? Let me say this and I will go. People create idols because they want to put their mind around God. Are we guilty of trying to wrap our mind around God by comparing him with cartoon figures. That's no different than saying we want to add the Virgin Mary to our path so that God will appear more approachable. So this is what I have been saying the past several weeks. God is not nice but he is GOOD! If someone has a hard time knowing the difference then seek and you will find the difference. Oh yeah Daffy says.. "Sufferin' Succotash!" -chuck
At 8:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Interesting... The thing I thought of first when you started talking about the "Care Bear Culture" was that it seems that the people who claim that they are so happy and life is always so great are often the same ones who are the first to give up their faith when something challenging happens. Maybe you could have been kinder, but I know you said the things you did for effect and I get your point about "getting real".
At 12:43 AM ,
JCo said...
"Got Christ? It's Hell without Him!" Yep! It's real and true and....yes! People have honked at our license plate cover!!!
Oh...how my mindset has changed these past months!
Good stuff Ven!!!
At 10:32 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You are the Simon Cowl (misspelled) of New Faith! He really is a nice guy! (He calls it as he sees it. And yes it usually stings a bit.)
I love ya bro, you keep it real!
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