May God's Love Be With You

I have no idea what it's about, but it's really pretty. It reminds me of sitting next to a tree and a brook.
It's nighttime and that, combined with the song, makes me feel like waxing poetic, so here we go.
Before this, there was a song in the car called, "Lost the Plot" by The Newsboys. The lyrics brought me back to North Carolina.
When I saw you for the first time you were hanging with a thief
And I knew my hands were dirty, and I dropped my gaze.
Then you said I was forgiven and you welcomed me with laughter.
I was happy ever after. I was counting the days
when you'd come back again. we'll be waiting for you
When you comin' back again? we'll be ready for you
Maybe we'll wake up when... maybe we'll wake up when you come back again.
lies. Let's be blunt.
We're a little unfaithful.
What do you want?
Are you still listening?
`Cause we're obviously not
We've forgotten our first love
We have lost the plot.
Newsboys, "Take me to your leader" was one of my first official Christian CDs. These lyrics stung my heart. It reminds me of how cavalier we are with salvation. We accept God's love and grace. We accept His forgiveness through Jesus' sacrifice, but then we go live our lives how we want to. It's like saying, "Hey God... thanks for taking my punishment, but I've got some sinning to do."
Why do we do that? Why are we so unthankful? Why are we so quick to forget what got us our forgiveness?
More than that, why are we so slow to forgive those around us? God forgave us, why is it so hard to forgive when someone scuffs our ego?
I dunno. I think I'm going to just go think on this for a while.
At 9:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
"Hey God... thanks for taking my punishment, but I've got some sinning to do."
You sent it home with that one, Ven. Good stuff.
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