An Unstoppable Force

Knowing that a group of rhinos is called a "crash"; and also knowing that they can run in excess of 30mph, but can only see 30 feet in front of them, the name "crash" seems fitting.
I said this in church a few weeks ago. A crash of rhinos doesn't really care what's 31 feet in front of them. What's 31 feet in front of the crash of rhinos needs to worry about what's coming at them.
The point.
When we're out "crashing" into people, we need to consider something.
Not everyone holds true to our belief system. Most people will start an "evangelism" speech like this:
"If you were to die tonight, are you sure you'd go to Heaven and be with God?"
Or they use the "Romans Road" approach, which is several passages within the book of Romans.
Now don't get me wrong. I believe that these approaches will work on people who already believe that God is real and that the bible is God's word.
However, what about people who don't believe either of those things?
What do we do now?
What about Buddhists or Muslims or Bahai? These are people of strong spiritual convictions, sometimes stronger convictions that Christians have. When you meet them, you'll quickly find out that they're not the "bad guys" that we've been taught they are. They're normal people who simply believe differently than we do. Now, how do we "prove" that we're right?
Sorry, that was a trick question. We don't prove that we're right.
God doesn't need us to "prove" Him to anyone. He wants us to love people and show them that God loves them too. He wants us to show them how much Jesus did for them, with His life, ministry, death, and resurection.
1st Peter 3:15b says,"Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you're living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy. "
(Message Bible)
I like the way the Message bible puts it. "Be ready... always with the utmost courtesy".
In other words, don't push, and when you are asked, don't be pushy.
Remember, we're not selling Jesus, He's not a product to be sold... Instead, we're giving hope and love because they've been given to us.
That's all I have to say about that.
(bad Forrest Gump impression)
At 3:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
That's good stuff, Ven! We've been taught just the opposite for so long - that we need to prove or sell Jesus. I like the rhino analogy. Love ya buddy!
At 4:11 PM ,
Anonymous said...
That is good stuff Ven, I love you bro.
At 1:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I often see people turning other people off to Christianity in general because of their "do or die" and "you'll see that I'm right one day" speeches. Love and compassion take you much farther. On the money again, bro. hugs, JJ
At 6:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ven, You have always been good at Apologetics. Good to here of your "good works" I praise God!!
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