
This time, my insomnia was induced by my new Nighttime Party Kitty. She has decided, in her infinite wisdom, that we should be sleeping during the day and awake all night.
She apparently knows what my ears are for, because she stands on the side of my head while I'm sleeping and MEOOOOWWWWs right in my ear.
Once I'm awake and rolled over, she decides it's snuggle time. After her one minute snuggle, she gets back up and runs around the bedroom again.
Once or twice would be cute... She does this all night.
To top it all off, Pam gets a phone call at 6:28. Two minutes before the alarm goes off.
My heart is pounding because I think someone's had an emergency. Nope. Some chick at Pam's work wants to know what time she's supposed to come in to work.
Off to Starbucks.
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