
Pam and I opted for a massage while we were there.
I've got to say... very cool.
It's amazing how much pain you can get used to in every day life.
As I was being massaged, I noticed that pain that I had ignored all this time actually went away.
It makes me think about how much we, in life, can get used to.
We tend to push it off as, "Oh well, that's just the way things are".
It makes us settle for second best instead of working & fighting for the very best.
I'm going to make two pain-saving decisions right now...
1. I'm definitely not going to let physical pain settle in on me like it has
1b. I'm going to get more massages too.
2. I'm definitely not going to allow life to happen to me... I'm going to take a more proactive stance in my life. If someone or something upsets me, I'm going to do something about it instead of just settling for it just being that way.
Let's see how that goes.
At 12:07 PM ,
New Faith said...
Good Luck with that. As long as you know me you will pretty much have pain. Pain is my middle name. It's the barbarian way. Keep me updated. :+) -chuck
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