A study on leadership

I'm going to attempt a study on what has been called, "Catalyst Leadership".
Catalyst Leadership, in my own words, is leadership that affects change.
Change in the way we think, live, and interact with the world around us.
I will be using as few "religion" type terms as possible to ensure I'm including everyone. Leadership is not exclusive. Leaders are not the "elite few". Leaders are people who are not willing to just play the hand they've been dealt. They also are not willing to sit idly by and watch others
Instead, they choose a re-shuffle, and a new deal, and encourage others to do the same.
wow... that almost looks like there's a not-so-hidden message in there.
Quality #1.
Authentic in Influence.
Leadership, by definition, is influence. I cannot force people to follow me. I must be genuine in my actions, and in doing so, my influence will be natural. It will compell people. They will be attracted to what I'm saying and doing.
If I don't do it this way, I'll constantly be trying to "defend" my leadership and I will be rendered useless.
My influence must match my character. If I try to lead in a way that is inconsistent with my own character, people will see the contradiction and will refuse to believe me.
If people don't believe you to be truthful, you've lost your ability to influence.
Disclaimer... Influence is not manipulation. Manipulation is sneaky and underhanded and has a hidden agenda. Influence is open to any examination because it is genuine. The motive behind genuine influence is plainly visible.
Put simply, people see where you're going and why you're going there... and they want to tag along.
To be continued.
At 11:50 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm sure you have more than 5 faithful readers. Some of us just don't comment much! :-)
At 10:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I am a faithful reader too! What is so exciting is that people start out as tag alongs, then they take off on their own journey with God , having others folling them. It is so cool! Like ,I am on a personal journey yet we are all on this mass expadition together. What a ride!!!
At 11:24 AM ,
Anonymous said...
faithful reader here -- just not a faithful commenter -- keep up the good work
At 8:34 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I am a faithful reader-I enjoy reading your blogs. I just don't comment.
At 9:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I've been reading one of Maxwell's books on leadership and it's a workbook, so it makes me think and define a lot on my own, rather than spoon feeding it to me. I say that because you just helped me to better understand his point about the law of influence. Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I'm doing ok and that my staff understands my passion for kids, and other times I wonder what I must be doing to make them do the things they do! I take it all personally, but need to just keep on keepin' on and follow my heart and have faith. Thanks again, bro. I'm the only one who can really call you bro. ;) -JJ
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