Melancholy Madness

I've had an entire month like that.
It feels like the past month has just drifted by like the lyrics of a song you don't like.
Kinda like one of those, "what was that? Nevermind" type things.
It's weird too, because this month has been very eventful.
I've connected with people from my past that I thought were gone forever, I've accomplished a lot in my personal and professional life, I even got XM radio for my car.
Still, the funk of forty-thousand years is upon me.
Don't misunderstand me... I'm not in a depression... I'm more in a lull.
Like I'm waiting calmly for the other shoe to drop, but it's already dropped.
Weird huh?
I wish I could win the lotto. 200 Million dollars goes a long way... so I've been told.
I'd really enjoy being a millionaire. I'd help design a church that had room to grow. I'd put my dream of a "leg up" ministry to work.
I want to create a place where homeless & misfortunate people can come and live comfortably, learn a new trade, learn about community and God's love for them, and finally get all the skills they need to begin their new chapter in life.
Unfortunately, any attempt at something like this, without the proper funds, would just be another homeless shelter. I know that the shelters perform a service, but properly funded, they could do so much more.
I'd also get to go to Hawaii, Japan, and Europe.
I'd also be able to fund my video production business and make better movies than I'm making now.
Sorry. Not too funny or insightful... But that's how I feel right now.
At 11:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I think if you won all of that money you wouldn’t have time to minister to me and mine. (We are supposed to be honest right!) You are very valuable to me and mine and I would love for you to take a trip or two but lets be honest, if you did all that stuff who would do your stuff! You and your family are already a million dollar blessing. You are blooming where you are planted and your garden is growing. So I am not sorry that you haven’t won your million.....yet.
At 11:18 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Okay, I am a loser, I wanted that comment to be anonymous, so pretend that my name says anonymous….
At 1:28 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Do you guys have church on Sunday evenings?
At 7:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree with Amy Z and anonymous! ;) We all want to change the world - and we all are, who have good intentions and good deeds - one person at a time... You have touched more lives than you know. If I win the lotto, I'll share.
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