An apology???

Fair enough.
I'd like to officially retract my "looking like a retard" comment as it was harsh and unnecessary.
It was way out of context, but I was trying to describe how badly I looked when getting back into surfing.
All that being said, I'd also like to re-iterate the purpose of my blog. These thoughts are my own. Right or wrong, they're mine. If that makes me a bad person, then I guess I'm a bad person.
I feel if I continually censor myself, I'll slide into mediocrity and will lose the free-speech / free-flowing thoughts and musings of a guy trying to get it right.
Not a guy who's got it right, but trying to get it right.
Okay. Nuff said. Read some of my earlier stuff. It's more inspiring.
At 11:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Woah. The apology about being retarded was good enough. The other stuff wasn't nescessary. Who is asking you to censor? Are you an over emotional person? You are getting very emotional about someone questioning your thoughts. You are not being asked to censor your writing? You are being asked for a better explanation, communication or better choice of words. If you want me or possibly others to read and make comments do not get upset. If you can not handle both sides of the comments then remove the comment area. Pride can be your downfall. When was the last time you said sorry to someone without having to tack on an excuse. You seem to be better than your latest entries. Who has been the new influence in your life that has distracted you. You are right. Your earlier stuff was better. Who helped with your inspiration on the earlier blogs? Stay with them. I am not trying to censor you.
At 8:09 AM ,
Ven Taylor said...
Wow. A life analysis! Please continue to comment. I'm not upset. I consider it "encouragement" in a sense.
I must say, I'd love to meet you.
People who aren't afraid to challenge my thoughts tend to make life very interesting.
At 4:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BTW the first anonymous above isn't the anonymous (me) who wrote the initial comment. But, what is wrong with censoring your thoughts ... or at least censoring which of them you share? Especially from a "Pastor's" blog that is linked from a Christian website? We are called to be Christ-like, in word and deed ... not to be "out there" with our feelings.
At 10:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow, I understand your hurt feelings. Using the word retarded seemed like being retarded makes you “less than.” Ven is certainly guilty of having a poor choice in describing his day of surfing. I am sure he will think twice before he says something like that again. It was unfortunate, that word choice. I hope that you can get past his short coming because he is one of the most genuine Christian, friend, Pastor, Human ,you or I could ever meet. That doesn’t make him perfect by any means. I think that we each grow every day. I love you Ven and I am proud that you are my Pastor. Your freedom and honesty has influenced my walk more that you will ever know.
At 10:47 AM ,
Ven Taylor said...
Dear Anonymous #2:
I hear what you're saying. Unfortunately, that's not me. I believe people have a skewed view of what "Christlike" really is.
Jesus spoke his mind and did not spare feelings. I don't mean he was purposefully hurtful, but he was abrasive.
Civilized Christianity has served ME poorly in the past. It landed me in a suit on Sundays, being so concerned about what people thought about me that I was unable to be a genuine follower of Christ.
By no means am I downgrading anyone else's views, I'm just telling you how things are from my own viewpoint.
I can't go back to those ways. I got too religious and forgot my first love.
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