My evil plan to save the world...

I never really paid much attention to it until I was on the road with my family. My son asked why they have an evil plan.
As I was explaining it, I realized that I was in mid-epiphany.
The chorus goes like this:
I have an evil plan to save the world for every man, and I think it's better than the way it's being run. Oh, the ground works laid, no don't be afraid, I'm sure that I can fix it, when I figure out the physics.
The song is done in jest, but the logic is sound. God has a plan for this world. We're part of it. When we decide that our plan for our lives, or the lives of those around us, is better than God's plan, our plan immediately becomes evil.
Some of you may not agree, but God is funny that way. We don't have to believe in Him for Him to exist. We don't have to agree with God for God to be right.
God just... is.
That's pretty final if you ask me.
Stay on track with me now.
Jeremiah 29:11 says that God already has a plan for us. That plan is in our very best interest.
I said all that to say this...
If God's plan is better than any plan we could possibly come up with, our own personal "master plans" for our own lives, no matter how well-intentioned, are evil.
When I say, "evil"... I don't mean 'eeeeveeeeil' (holding pinky to corner of mouth for effect). I just mean that, compared to God's plans, our plans are harshly flawed at best.
So think about that when you decide that your plans are better than God's. I'll stick with God's plans for my life.
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