† in His grip

Just the musings of a guy trying to get it right. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Years' Eve

I managed to get a lot of reading done today while I was in the barber shop.
Josh and I needed haircuts oh so badly.
She messed up my sideburns, so I had to fix them at home.

We're going to spend New Years' with the neighbors this year.
They're a lot of fun. We're going to Cheesecake Factory, then going back to their house for snacks & chocolate fondue, smores, etc.

I think this sickness has broken my brain a little.
No deep thoughts. Some thoughts, just not very deep.

I wonder why it's so easy to slide into complacency.
Why do we settle so quickly?
As a people, we are so quick to lose the focus that drives us.


Friday, December 30, 2005

Melancholy... Sick as a dog

So I've got this chest congestion & all around crappy crud jumping on me.
I feel like a leper.
Maybe I should walk around with a bell yelling, "unclean".
If I could yell.
I sound pretty lousy if you ask me.

I had some chicken soup and robitussin for breakfast and am now drinking copious amounts of water.
Amy Z said it would help... I guess we'll see.
I'm going to have to run out to the store for more chicken soup mix. Dreading that.

Work is slow again. I guess I'll catch up on my reading or something.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Reindeer in the headlights

Just goofing off on Christmas morning. I finally got the picture off my phone.
Feeling a little sick today. I think I caught the cold/sinus thing that's been floating around. Yuk. It took me 20 minutes to get out of bed this morning.
I guess it's time to start pounding the vitamin C chewables & see what happens.

I guess Amy Z figured out how to post comments. That's cool. One more person reading my blog & wondering if I'm sane enough to be on staff at New Faith.
Took a shower & shaved this morning. First shave in over 4 days. I had a bit of a scruff going.
I sometimes wish I could grow a beard. I've let it grow for months and I still end up looking like a half-shaved Fu Manchu reject.
Even when I grow a moustache, I look like a Cheech & Chong movie extra.
When I was in the Marine Corps, I tried keeping a moustache, but the Marine Corps regulations on facial hair limits made me look like Adolph Hitler's Mexican't cousin.
I guess facial hair wasn't in part of my eternal destiny.
How did I get on that?

Oh... shower and shave.

So anyway, I haven't had my coffee yet, so no deep thoughts are popping into my mind this moment. Check back later & I'll try to be inspiring and thought provoking.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


What a cute face huh?
That's my new baby Trinity-Lin.

I guess there are a lot of things you can do instead of work.
I was playing around with my digital camera and found a B&W filter.
I then popped it into Photoshop and added a blue tint to the fur.

Don't ask me why... I thought it looked neat.

So anyway, I've been reading pastor Chuck's blog about Pentecostal-ism.

Pretty neat stuff if you ask me. Very thought provoking.

So I talked to Janice about what her visitors thought of NewFaith. She said that her father-in-law thought it was a nice service, but felt he was being entertained a little.

Good point. Granted, it was a special service, but a good point nonetheless.
Maybe we should remind folks that the second set is a "stander-upper" too.
A lot of folks just sit down for the second music set (usually slower, more meditative songs).
Maybe they don't know they can stand or maybe they're just not in the mood to stand.

I dunno.

I wonder though... Are we being entertained or are we mistaking ministry for entertainment?
What do most people consider "ministry"? Is it some guy rambling on and on from behind a pulpit? Since we're in the "re-shaping" business, I guess we should re-think the whole "ministry" thing.

I think nooma videos minister.
I think funny videos with a moral minister.
I think someone singing a song that offers a spiritual/meditative opportunity (makes you think about God) ministers.
I think human videos and dramas minister.

So are we entertaining, or ministering?

If I did a song & dance so people would say I was a star, then I'd be entertaining.
If pastor Chuck stood up in front of people and did a prepared monologue that made people think he was funny, and nothing else, he'd be entertaining.

Hmm... I guess it could be just a matter of perspective, but, now that I've thought about it, I guess we're okay for now.
Don't get me wrong... some stuff we do may smack of entertainment, but I think that's okay too.
That's part of our culture. We enjoy being entertained.

I love a good book when it's time to learn, but when I watch a movie, I don't care about the protagonist and the antagonist. I don't care about what statement the director/writer is trying to make. I want to be entertained.
If a movie thrills me or makes me laugh or entertains my eyes, I walk away happy. 10 bucks well spent.
If a movie makes me think too much, I could have stayed home and read a book.

Where did that come from? What was I talking about again?

If I want to be ministered to as well as minister to others, then I just have to live my life. I let God work out the details. Church helps a lot; I don't think I'd be a very good follower of Christ without gathering with other followers of Christ.

But when it comes to entertainment & ministry... what a great combo I say!!!
Bring it on!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Going back to work

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
The good news is that my four weeks of vacation recycle in 5 days.
The boys are sleeping over at Patrick's house again so it's just me and Pam.
We're going to watch The Brothers Grimm tonight. I have no idea what it's about.

The cats are playing. I think that's really what I wanted for Christmas. It's good that Calvin has a playmate. It reminds me of Bear and Kayti-Sue. Those are fond memories.
Bear has been gone for over seven years and Kayti-Sue has been gone since March.
They were true playmates. We still have to supervise Calvin & Trinity because she's so little and he's so big. One wrong move and it's kitten fricassee.

I wish I had something interesting to say, but my brain is on hiatus for a while.
I'm not sure if I'm sleepy or just bored.

Well, off to watch a movie.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

...and all is well. It's 10pm and we've just managed to get the last boy off to bed.
They've put on quite a show that they're not interested, but I can tell they're very excited about tomorrow.
For some reason, I'm really not falling into the Christmas excitement this year.
I've been very excited about giving gifts and have tried to be meticulous about choosing each person's gift, but I'm not sure I'm excited about getting gifts this year.

What's wrong with me?

Well, Amy said I have been slacking on my blog entries, so here we go.

I wonder where this train God has put me on is going. Over the past year, I've let go of more legalistic, ritualistic, and religious notions than I thought I was capable of.
Yes, I know I just ended that sentence with a preposition. Let it go.

I've also come to the realization that it's okay for people to believe in and worship God in a different way than I do. I don't think they're going to hell.

I also have realized the power of a holy moment.
It can happen at any time.
For any reason.

I now believe that God can use anything, even something that was not intended for holiness, to inspire someone and expose them to His love. For just a moment, let go of your points of view and see this...

A man is listening to a "secular" song (say it ain't so!!!)
The words of the song inspire him to realize that God truly loves him.

Does that negate the man's experience because the song wasn't written specifically to praise God?
I think not.
Does it mean that the man didn't have an experience with God because his experience isn't what I'd consider, "Christian".

I wouldn't dare nullify someone's experience with God simply because it didn't line up with my preconceived notions of who God is and how He operates.

Maybe that's our biggest problem. For some reason, we have decided that we, ourselves, are the best source of information regarding who God is and what He's capable of.

Dangit.. another preposition.

Remember this... We do not define God. He defines us.
Just something to think about.

Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

The day before the day before...

Getting ready to go to Carraba's. The chicken trio is sooooo good.
I never thought I'd like goat cheese or chicken cheese or whatever that white stuff is.

But it is goood.

Our neighbors have decided to come to church with us tomorrow. We're having a very special candlelight service Christmas Eve and taking Christmas day off.

Please don't start with the whole taking Sunday off. Jesus was not really born on Christmas day.

Quit staring at me like I just told you Santa wasn't real.

Stop believing everything you've been told and do some research.
It doesn't matter what day Jesus was born... what matters is that He was born.
Woohoo!!! no fiery pits of hell for me!!!!

So anyway, as I was saying, we're doing our service on Saturday night and I'm very excited.
Pastor Chuck has some very special stuff in store, I'm sure.
I know we're doing communion, which to me is a big deal because we don't do it that often.

Anyhoo, stop reading this and get your Christmas shopping and preparation finished so you can go relax a little!!!


Monday, December 19, 2005

Bubba Claus

In case you missed him...

Took the weekend off.

From blogging anyway.
Had a very long Saturday, but got a lot accomplished.
Sunday went well. I feel bad for raising my voice early on Sunday. We were trying to find a piece of equipment that would either make or break the entire audio/visual program and I asked for help, but many people seemed to ignore my requests for help.

Official apology for those who were in fact listening. I apologize if you thought I was yelling at you. I wasn't yelling at you. I was yelling at the knuckleheads who were ignoring me.
Fortunately, we found a way to rig it all up and it went well.

The videos and music were great. Pretty funny stuff yesterday. I got to have an "interview" with Cousin Bubba. I haven't seen him in a while. He showed us a trailer of his new movie.
I must say, I love my church. I also love hearing Pastor Chuck talk to new folks about our vision. What I love more than that is watching them respond to it, and the new experience that is New Faith Christian Fellowship.
To be honest, I've never heard anyone come in and say, "Ooh, this isn't for me".
I would accept it if I heard it, but I've just not heard it yet.

I also want to apologize to my youth group, †in His grip, for my last blog entry. The more I think about it the more I think it wasn't fair. These are just my random thoughts, but maybe I should be more responsible with my thoughts.

Naah. I'm a nutjob. Anything I say cannot be legally held against me.

Maybe I'm just being impatient with them. Maybe I expect too much. It just bothers me because I see the potential for so much, and also see the desire to become more than "just another teenager" or even worse, "just another religious person".

They really are the best youth group I've ever had the privilege of working with. I still remember my first youth group... what a nightmare. I was 23 and so unprepared.
Four youth groups and 13 years later and I think I'm finally getting the hang of this.

Well, the boys are off to school and I get to go to Starbucks with my baby. We're gonna go sit down and read our books (she's reading the whole Narnia series and I'm reading Blue Like Jazz).
Then we'll go shopping.

No schedule, no deadlines... aah so nice.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What's in a mood?

Why is it that when someone says they’re in a bad mood, everyone is supposed to excuse their rancid behavior?
Where is that written in the rule book?  I’m not thinking about anyone in particular, but it’s just one of those things that’s been on my mind lately.  I’ve heard a lot about moods in my day-to-day life lately and it got me thinking about the subject.

I mean, if I’m having a bad day… cat bites me, I get yelled at by my boss, or I crash a million-dollar network, what does that have to do with anyone else?  Why should they placate me by walking on eggshells or excusing my nasty attitude?

They shouldn’t because that’s just dumb.

If anything, when we’re in a bad mood, we should take extra care not to transfer our attitude onto other people… not demand that they bow down our scarred psyche’s every whim.  Think about how incredibly selfish that is.  Our friends and family, who care about us greatly, deserve better from us.

I’m not saying we can’t have a bad day, but what I am saying is that we shouldn’t think that the world revolves around us, no matter what kind of day we’re having.

Word to the wise, if you’re having a bad day or you’re depressed or in a bad mood, don’t expect me to excuse your behavior.  If you’re being a wank, expect to be called out for it.
I care about you, so I’ll do it as lovingly as possible, but you’ll still get a firm hand from the brown guy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New kitty is here

We picked up our new kitten on Monday. She's pretty cool. She was born on Halloween and she's all black except for a tiny white triangle on her belly. We've decided to call her Trinity-Lin.
She's a fiesty little thing too. She's not even a pound yet. Calvin (our 24lb cat) decided to give her a chance and not kill her.
We figured this was a pretty big gesture from him. How did she repay? By taking on a hunch-back cat stance, just like the one you see in halloween pictures and hissing and spitting at him.

Nice huh?

So he whacked her in the head and walked away. Kinda his way of saying, "whatever kitten".
I guess if cats could roll their eyes, this would have been a time you'd see it.

Only 3 more working days until my vacation starts. Please Lord, help me make it through these 3 days.
Blue Like Jazz is picking up. I like the way Donald Miller writes. I don't necessarily agree with everything he writes, but I do like what he has to say.

Pastor Chuck made a blog entry that I really enjoyed. You can read it here if you like.


It's about Pentecostal-ism and and why it's become something it was never meant to become.
Well, that's what I got out of it.

Anyhoo, it's time for work.. so stay tuned!

New kitty is here

We picked up our new kitten on Monday. She's pretty cool. She was born on Halloween and she's all black except for a tiny white triangle on her belly. We've decided to call her Trinity-Lin.
She's a fiesty little thing too. She's not even a pound yet. Calvin (our 24lb cat) decided to give her a chance and not kill her.
We figured this was a pretty big gesture from him. How did she repay? By taking on a hunch-back cat stance, just like the one you see in halloween pictures and hissing and spitting at him.

Nice huh?

So he whacked her in the head and walked away. Kinda his way of saying, "whatever kitten".
I guess if cats could roll their eyes, this would have been a time you'd see it.

Only 3 more working days until my vacation starts. Please Lord, help me make it through these 3 days.
Blue Like Jazz is picking up. I like the way Donald Miller writes. I don't necessarily agree with everything he writes, but I do like what he has to say.

Pastor Chuck made a blog entry that I really enjoyed. You can read it here if you like.


It's about Pentecostal-ism and and why it's become something it was never meant to become.
Well, that's what I got out of it.

Anyhoo, it's time for work.. so stay tuned!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Got a new book!

Malcolm Gladwell's Blink wasn't exactly blowing my skirt up. I had to put it down.
I went out to WaldenBooks and found Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz.
I think I'll enjoy it.
Oh yeah... Barnes & Noble and Waldenbooks selection of Christian books sucks.
I guess I'll go to Amazon.com and find the books I want.

So church went well today. Lots of people, good music. I love being there because I love to see smiling faces. Not that everyone's life is perfect, but they're smiling in spite of their problems.

I got to share a message today. I think it went well. People were not staring at the ceiling or talking on their cell phones. I didn't get booed off the stage... so that's a start.
I said something that, I have to say, kind of surprised me.
It was one of those, "Where did that come from?" things.

I said, "When you realize your position in this world, belonging to God, it's not that everything becomes okay, but that you become okay with everything... good or bad".

A part of me just sat back and said, "wait... let me think about that one for a minute".
There's a freedom to realizing our smallness compared to God. I am not in control and I am okay with that. The reason I am okay with it is because I don't have to be in control. I just have to let God be in control... not that I have a say in the matter. I'm just along for the ride.

What a ride it is!!

Well, time to get the boys cleaned up & ready for bed.


Friday, December 09, 2005


Was so good!
We went with some friends from the neighborhood.  I could tell we appreciated the biblical parallels more than they did.  They enjoyed the movie, but were not in awe of the not-so-obvious similarities between it and the biblical account of Jesus as we were.
I hope we’ll be able to talk to them about it more.  I need some time to realize the depth of this story, but the more I ponder this movie, the more of the story of Jesus I see.
Don’t worry; I won’t spoil the movie for you.  But rest assured… you will not be disappointed if you go to see it.

Okay… one thing.  The two girls depicted Mary and Martha.  If you are on top of your bible reading, you’ll understand me.

I wonder if the fawn was a hint at John the Baptist.

Suave’ Mike got his Admirals jersey today.  A few families pitched in and bought it for him.  I must say, I wasn’t expecting him to respond to the gift like he did.  He was almost in tears.  I think the card kind of gave it away.  It said, “Dreams do come true”.
Once he read it, he immediately tore into the box.  The frog in his throat keyed me into his feelings.  To be honest, I would have paid double just to see the look on his face.

I’m glad he likes it.  He’s a good friend.
Well, it’s 11pm and I’m tired.  I have to get up early tomorrow, so TTFN!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Get out of my head!

Do you ever get a song stuck in your head?
Yeah, me too.
For me, usually, it’s a jingle for a silly commercial product.
However, today, it’s Hootie & the Blowfish’s Let Her Cry.
I haven’t heard this song in months, but nonetheless, there it is… crammed in my psyche.

I think I’ll find it on Rhapsody & listen to it.  Maybe that’ll help dislodge the song from the mangled mess that is my mind.
Mangled mess that is my mind… say that 5 times fast.

Mangled mess that is my mind
Mangled mess that is my mind
Mangled mess that is my mind
Mangled mess that is my mind
Mangled mess that is my mind


I’m still thinking about my message for Sunday.  I’ve got the title and the chunks.
It’s called, “What’s in a name?”
I have found that if I don’t keep notes or an outline to keep my focus, I’ll talk about just about anything.  Not unlike my blogs.

That’s better.  Hootie is playing now.
I should focus on work now.  See ya later!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Going to pick out a cat today.

I have to be there at noon today. The lady has four black cats. Two males, two females.
We’ve already got a name picked out for a female. Kira-Lin
We have to get a female because older male cats tend to be very hostile toward younger males cats. Some have been known to kill young males from a new litter. Mean old cats.

I have so many things swirling around in my head and my heart.
I just finished God’s Blogs. I’m letting Heather read it next, but I’m really going to miss this book. I can see myself reading it a few times a year. Just like Velvet Elvis.
Great… now I’m going to be reading all the time like some… person who reads a lot.

Christmas gift ideas for me… hmm.
Peas on Earth. ( I’m not a big fan of peas, but corn on Earth isn’t funny.
God’s will toward all men… and women too!

I think there’s a line between music ministry and musical performance. Unfortunately, the line isn’t as “fine” as we’d like it to be where we can accidentally slip over it.
I just noticed it when I was playing my guitar. I started out playing it and just enjoying the music and private time with God, but then my mind drifted to thinking about people hearing the song and what my voice sounded like and whether or not people would like the sound of my voice. Bam!!! I’m right in the middle of musical performing. See? The line isn't as fine as we think. I pushed myself right over it by thinking of myself. God is supposed to be the focus of the music... not me.

I need to inject something here. These are my thoughts and feelings. I’m not holding anything back. Some may trivialize them, but for me, this is a treatise of my very soul.
So please don’t take this lightly. I know I may talk a lot about very little some times, but when I’m serious, I’m serious. Right now, as I am every time it comes to my relationship with God, I’m serious.
I question myself constantly when it comes to my right-standing in the eyes of God. Am I falling away or am I moving closer?
I do this with my children and my wife as well. I want to make sure my family is happy with me as a father/husband/friend. Not so they can be pleased with me, but so that they are happyperiod. I do not want to be the source of anyone’s pain or suffering. This is not a desperate desire to please, but instead, it is a calculated desire to nurture and strengthen.

God wrote me a letter last night. It was in a book I was reading. I think I’d like to share it with my friends and family at New Faith. Thankfully, Pastor Chuck has asked me to share my heart this coming Sunday. I thank God every day for that man. He works so hard and receives nothing in return. I’m always concerned about the pressures being put on him. I know for a fact that I’m the source of some of that pressure, so I try to not be a burden to him. Instead I try to be an asset to the ministry God has called him to shepherd.

Yes, I know he’s probably reading this… I’m not trying to suck up. I’m just typing whatever is in my heart at a given moment.

If you happen to find yourself in prayer,

hey, it could happen…

Pray for pastors Chuck and JaNonda. They do more for us than we know. I’ll probably get an earful for this, but they’re got a lot more on their plate than usual and, for the life of me, I can’t step far enough back to see the “big picture”. I know that God is using the situations in their lives to nurture and teach, but I can’t see the lesson here. I guess that’s what I get for not being God. Whew!! Good thing too. All I know is that they’re hurting and I can’t seem to help.

This kinda sucks.

Monday, December 05, 2005

On a comfy couch

Listening to Norah Jones. She’s got a very soothing tone.
I think the only male voice I’ve heard that evokes the same mood and emotions in me is Bebo Norman’s Myself When I am Real. I love listening to these two artists. Mind you, I don’t throw the word “Artist” around lightly. I don’t believe everyone that has a CD is an artist.
I mean sheesh… I have a CD. It doesn’t take that much. A buddy of mine has a recording studio and we cut it over a weekend. It’s not great, but it’s mine.

So there.

However, Norah and Bebo are artists.
Anyway, went to lunch w/ my love today. We had TGI Friday’s Jack Daniels Ribeye & chicken.
It was goooood.

I’m really enjoying my new book, God’s Blogs. When I read it, I feel like it’s a collection of emails from God addressed directly to me. I’d highly recommend it to anyone that wants to take a few steps closer to God.

Speaking of a few steps closer, check this out… I think there’s an uneasy, unnamed emotion we experience when we’re truly in touch with God. I wish I could tell you what it is, but I’d probably be better off telling you what it’s not.

  • If you feel proud that you’ve arrived - you’ve missed it.

  • If you worry about circumstances around you – you’ve missed it.

  • If you feel threatened when others do things you should be doing – you’ve missed it.

  • If you say, “why God” or “when God” more than, “okay God” – you’ve missed it.
Those are just a few. I think I can sum it up as, “A scary-but-comfortable, weird-but-familiar, and unspeakable-but-shout-it-from-the-mountain-tops feeling”.

I find myself saying, “hey… whatever God… It’s cool with me” more often. My first thoughts race to, “what????” but they quickly subside to, “hey… whatever God… It’s cool with me”.

Gotcha!!! If you were just thinking, "I'm glad you've finally gotten where I am", you're falling victim to pride - and missed it. Sorry, I didn't do that to sucker you into anything... remember... just random thoughts, right?

Have I arrived? Of course not. But I'm on a road that I've never been on before and I like it.

Yeah... I think I like it here. I’m gonna stick around.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Finished another book.

I’m now moving on to God’s Blogs by Lanny Donoho.
I really enjoyed the book I am not but I know I AM by Louie Giglio.
It’s weird that I’m really enjoying reading now.  I have never been a fan of reading until lately.  I don’t know why, but I don’t care why.  I’m just going to ride this book train until it stops.
If anyone has any suggestions for good books, (take into consideration who I am and what I’ve read recently – Velvet Elvis, Searching for God Knows What).
I think I like these books because they challenge current theology and encourage me to step outside of traditional conservative religious dogma into a dynamic relational standing with God.

If that makes sense anyway.

As soon as Pastor Chuck finishes with Erwin McManus’ The Barbarian Way, I’ll be reading that one too.  Maybe I’ll just go buy it myself as a Christmas present.  

Oh… Excuse me… Did I say Christmas?  I meant to say “Holiday present”.

Oh wait… I’m not a department store.  I meant “Christmas” because I don’t care if some ACLU jerkemiah says Christmas excludes people.  The reason for Christmas (birth of Christ) was to include everyone in God’s plan of salvation… now get over yourself and keep reading.

I just found a book I bought while I was at Catalyst in Atlanta.  It was in my nightstand; right under a whoopee cushion. (don’t ask)  It’s called Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.
No idea if I’ll like it, but I liked listening to him speak.  Maybe I’ll enjoy his writing too.

Okay... enough about books.  Let’s delve into the mind of a madman.
I had a dream that I was drunk driving and everybody knew I was a pastor…  I didn’t seem to care that they knew I was driving drunk.  I then told some lady in a black shirt with a skull on it that she had a pretty stomach.  She just said, “I know” and acted like I wasn’t there.
I’m not sure what it meant, but I haven’t been drunk in over 14 years so driving drunk would be quite a feat for me.  
I’m sure my shrink would say, “So what do you think it means?” and then charge me $90 an hour while she listened to me try and interpret my own dream.

Man… I shoulda been a shrink.
Well, it’s 10:24pm on Sunday night and I’d like to get some sleep.

So should you.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Just shut up and listen.

I once was lost, but now I'm found.
I once was lost, but now I'm found.
So far away, but I'm home now.
I once was lost, but now I'm found.

I once was blind, but now I see.
I once was blind, but now I see.
I don't know how, but when He touched me.
I once was blind, but now I see.

And now my lifesong sings.

I once was dead, but now I live.
I once was dead, but now I live.
And now my life, to you I give.
And now my life, to you I give.
And now my life, to you I give.


And now my lifesong sings by Casting Crowns

I spend time in these words and realize the infinite love that God has for me.
I sit back in the easy chair of life and see my own sloth compared to the work of God.
The stars stretch out into the heavens. Most of which I will never even see.

I think to myself... "Why would God love someone like me?"
He answers from the beating of my heart... "Because you're mine".

Nothing more. Just, "Because you're mine".

Yeah... I'm smiling.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Awww Maaaan!!!

Now I'm depressed!!! I just heard they were thinking about cancelling the Joey show on NBC Thursday nights. That's the only TV I watch (tivo) on Thursdays... come to think of it, I only watch My Name is Earl and Joey. They're the only shows I find really funny enough to sit through. I don't care about American Reject or Disgusting Housewives or anything like that.

I just want to sit back and laugh.

If you don't want them to, email them at Joey@nbcuni.com and tell them to keep it on.
Even if you don't watch it, email them and tell them Ven said it was a good show so you want to keep it on just for Ven's sake... Or something like that.

I think I need a straight jacket. Please someone tell me what's wrong with me. I can't seem to relax. Even when I'm sleeping, all I'm doing is thinking about the fact that I'm not sleeping soundly and what I have to do tomorrow. Then all day, I'm thinking about what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to be doing followed by what I'm supposed to be doing next. This evening, I tried sitting still and relaxing, but all I could do was think about the fact that I can't relax.

What'dya think?

Maybe I need to delve deeper into the scripture that says, "Be still and know that I am God".
Louie Giglio does something called, "one word bible studies". You just take a scripture, then take each word and devote a day to each word... one at a time.
I'll start with the word 'Be' and figure out what I come up with.

What was I saying?

Oh yeah... I can't relax. It sucks when you can't relax because it's all you think about and thinking about it keeps you from relaxing. Yeah... it's a paradox. But what can you do?

Oh well, I'm going to go read my book and try not to think about relaxing.