† in His grip

Just the musings of a guy trying to get it right. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Melancholy Madness

Have you ever had a day when you just felt like doing nothing?
I've had an entire month like that.
It feels like the past month has just drifted by like the lyrics of a song you don't like.
Kinda like one of those, "what was that? Nevermind" type things.
It's weird too, because this month has been very eventful.
I've connected with people from my past that I thought were gone forever, I've accomplished a lot in my personal and professional life, I even got XM radio for my car.

Still, the funk of forty-thousand years is upon me.
Don't misunderstand me... I'm not in a depression... I'm more in a lull.
Like I'm waiting calmly for the other shoe to drop, but it's already dropped.

Weird huh?

I wish I could win the lotto. 200 Million dollars goes a long way... so I've been told.
I'd really enjoy being a millionaire. I'd help design a church that had room to grow. I'd put my dream of a "leg up" ministry to work.

I want to create a place where homeless & misfortunate people can come and live comfortably, learn a new trade, learn about community and God's love for them, and finally get all the skills they need to begin their new chapter in life.

Unfortunately, any attempt at something like this, without the proper funds, would just be another homeless shelter. I know that the shelters perform a service, but properly funded, they could do so much more.

I'd also get to go to Hawaii, Japan, and Europe.
I'd also be able to fund my video production business and make better movies than I'm making now.

Sorry. Not too funny or insightful... But that's how I feel right now.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A study in Leadership, part 4

I spent about an hour last night in the Lowe's parking lot talking to Bobby Allen & Pastor Chuck. I think the only thing that broke up the conversation was the ominous wind & thunderclaps. Good thing too. Just as I got home, pardon the pun, but "all hail broke loose".

It's moments like this that God's true vision for my life become clear. I hear myself talking and then God says, "Hey... you need to be listening to what you're saying cuz it's me really doing the talking."

We were talking about community vision and vision for New Faith. Bobby gets it. I like that. He didn't need to be convinced. He already knew. He was already on board with pulling this whole "will of God" thing off.

Quality #4 - A Community Mindset - part 1
A community is more than a neighborhood. I live in a neighborhood that is slowly becoming a community.

So what is a community?

We all have areas of influence to which we belong.
To some, it's associations & "who's who"-type stuff. That's not community... That's ego boosting.
To others, it's networking & power brokering. That's still not it... That's a "what's in it for me?" minded group.
I believe the true meaning of community is a group of people who genuinely care for one another and expect nothing in return. If someone in the community has a need, be it spiritual or tangible, the others help. Period. Members of a community look out for one another's interests. If there is a conflict, that's okay. The people involved work together to resolve the conflict... they don't become enemies and start gathering up their own personal factions to war. This is the antithesis of community.

When someone inside the community says, "You know, there ought to be a..." fill in the blank idea-type thing, the others in the community should be willing to support the idea with instruction, constructive criticism, guidance, and fulfillment.

So... Do you belong to a community? If so, how well do you know your community? It's pretty hard to care about people you don't know.
Here's a neat way to get to know people.
Walk up to them and say, "Hi, my name is ".
When they say their name, you say, "Nice to meet you".
Ask them where they're from or what they do or something simple. You'd be amazed at how quickly you find things you have in common.

Do you see? That wasn't so hard... was it?

Community - Continued next time