I moved!!
Blogger is too slow for my taste.
Please go to http://web.mac.com/ven.taylor/
and read my blog.
Just the musings of a guy trying to get it right. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
Oh yeah... and I got to take part in the largest pillow fight in history. Pretty funny.
I have more pictures to post, but blogger is pitching a fit and won't let me upload any more pictures in this post. I guess I'm done.What do you see coming in the next six months?
We made it to Atlanta pretty quickly. I watched the pilot episode of 'Eureka' on SciFi on my iPod. I liked it a lot. It brought out my inner nerd. I snapped this photo of Chuck waiting on Casey Page.
That's me at the airport waiting on Casey.
Pretty uneventful so far, but the week is young. Normally, putting myself, Casey, and Chuck in a room together is bound to have a comical outcome, so we'll see. We stopped at the Cracker Barrel and had dinner. Our conversation quickly degraded into a boyish banter. Somehow, we ended up talking about hydro-colonics and how much they must hurt.This is us in the hotel. I know... nothing funny yet. We're kinda tired, so we'll be funny later. Maybe tomorrow. Catalyst labs are tomorrow, so we need to get up early enough to get breakfast and hit the Center by 8:30 so we can sign up for our labs.