We stayed at LaQuinta Inn in Norcross. Apparently, "LaQuinta" is Spanish for, "No Internet Access". We tried getting logged in for two days, but we might as well have been trying to solve all the world's problems with twenty bucks and a free weekend.We never got on the web, therefore, my plans for a running blog were thwarted.

This is us leaving the hotel the first day. Notice that we're all wearing a striped shirt. "Yes waitress, we'll have three orders of orange with an extra side of creepy".

While standing in line to sign in, (man that was a long line) we were told that, if we'd already received our tickets, we didn't have to wait in the line.
Now to find some coffee...

So now we're attending labs, listening the speakers. I can't say we're learning a lot. I think the biggest thing we learned was that we're not missing the mark. Apparently, a lot of churches are doing what we're doing. That's good. If a lot of churches are doing what we're doing, and we're impacting our community, then so are they.
That's good news!

I'd say the true highlight of our trip was that we got to meet our blogger buddy, Margaret Feinberg. As an added bonus, we got to meet her husband, Leif. They were both very kind, genuine, and funny people I've met in a long time. Don't ask me why, but I kind of expected them, as celebrities, to be more bourgeois & artsy. I was happy to discover that they were just a loving couple that liked to goof off and chat.
I could sum up this Catalyst experience in one word... People.
The people I met this year have really given me hope that this world is in good hands. God is raising up people that don't want to be seen, but instead, want to be heard.
They realize that we, as Christians,
are the church... we aren't just building a church.
Oh yeah... and I got to take part in the largest pillow fight in history. Pretty funny.
I have more pictures to post, but blogger is pitching a fit and won't let me upload any more pictures in this post. I guess I'm done.
I'm very excited about the next six months. I don't know what's going to happen, but I know it's going to be something grand.
Of course, when God's in the picture, it's got to be good.
What do you see coming in the next six months?