Manic Monday
Just got back from the Chrysler dealership. For the last few weeks, the car has been making all kinds of noise from the suspension. I brought it in and now it’s stopped.
I left it with them anyway and Janice came and picked me up on her way to work. I really enjoy having such a close relationship with my sister. All these years she and I had a sort of… space… between us. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I loved her, but there was always something missing for me. Since she started coming to church with us recently it feels like that space has disappeared.
Man… that sounds selfish. I don’t think I’m saying it right. Maybe it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with me. Maybe it’s been since I’ve stopped thinking I was a super-Christian and knew God better than anyone else. Maybe it’s because I’ve loosened up my self-made theology and realized that it’s okay to not have God figured out.
Yeah… that’s probably it. Either way, I’m glad that whatever it was, it is now gone. I think God has been trying to tell me this all my life, but I’ve never really listened to Him. Just to what others have told me and what I’ve read in books. Every time I would read a book, the first thing in my mind would be how I could use the information to help teach others. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to share your discoveries with others, but I don’t think it should be the primary focus of your study. The discovery itself should be the focus. We read and study to learn, not to share… if we read and study to share, then our thoughts are not original. They belong to someone else.
Well, I’d better get to work.
I left it with them anyway and Janice came and picked me up on her way to work. I really enjoy having such a close relationship with my sister. All these years she and I had a sort of… space… between us. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I loved her, but there was always something missing for me. Since she started coming to church with us recently it feels like that space has disappeared.
Man… that sounds selfish. I don’t think I’m saying it right. Maybe it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with me. Maybe it’s been since I’ve stopped thinking I was a super-Christian and knew God better than anyone else. Maybe it’s because I’ve loosened up my self-made theology and realized that it’s okay to not have God figured out.
Yeah… that’s probably it. Either way, I’m glad that whatever it was, it is now gone. I think God has been trying to tell me this all my life, but I’ve never really listened to Him. Just to what others have told me and what I’ve read in books. Every time I would read a book, the first thing in my mind would be how I could use the information to help teach others. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to share your discoveries with others, but I don’t think it should be the primary focus of your study. The discovery itself should be the focus. We read and study to learn, not to share… if we read and study to share, then our thoughts are not original. They belong to someone else.
Well, I’d better get to work.
At 7:50 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Awww...that made me feel good, Ven. :) Thanks. I felt the space disappear years ago, though, fyi. I do agree with your observation.
Love, Your not-so-super-Christian sister. ;)
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